ECD Skills development programmes and recognised qualifications

We aim to empower child care workers and the aspiring professionals at all levels to assist them in providing ECD training to become professional and competent individuals.

Our programmes include:
– Early Childhood Development Skills [ECD01CTC]
– Basic Child Care [BCC01CTC]
– Development of infants and toddlers [DIT01CTC]
– Development of Preschool Children [DPC01CTC]


We equip learners with skills and knowledge enabling them to give sound care in a home situation or work as a professional nanny/au-pair or as an educator for children 0 – 5 years.

Early Childhood Development Skills

Learners will be equipped with knowledge and skills to work as a Preschool Assistant, Caregiver or Aupair.  

Basic Child Care

The course provides learners with knowledge and skills to work as a professional educator for children aged 0-3 years in a preschool.

Development of infancts and toddlers

The course focuses on the care and stimulation of babies and toddlers.

Development of Preschool Children

The learner will be equipped to work in a nursery school with children aged  3-6 years.

About ECD

Early Childhood Development is the all-round development of our children to help them to further develop into childhood and adulthood. The development of babies, toddlers and young children form the foundation for all further development that a child undergoes. ECD plays a significant role in teaching from age 0 to Grade R.

Development is a highly interactive process, and life outcomes are not determined solely by genes.

A great deal of brain architecture is shaped during the first three years after birth, but the window of opportunity for its development does not close on a child’s third birthday.

Young children who have been exposed to adversity or violence do not invariably develop stress-related disorders or grow up to be violent adults.

While attachments to their parents are primary, young children can also benefit significantly from relationships with other responsive caregivers both within and outside the family.

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